Monday, September 16, 2013

le 16 septembre, 2013

Bonjour!  French Parents
Last week was another busy week in all our classes.  We enjoyed a half day on Wednesday, and we also had the opportunity to try French cuisine in all our classes.
In French 1,  we learned about the gender of nouns and we conjugated our very first VERB!  Yay!  French 1!  Devon brought in quiche for the students to try!  It was delicieuse!  French 1 will have a quiz Tuesday this week covering the verb avoir and indefinite articles (un, une and des)  They will have their first test Friday covering all of Chapter 1.  If you have not sent your French Club dues in yet, you may still do so.  Also, do not forget that Wednesday is the last day for magazine sales.  If your child sells just 1 magazine or item, they will receive a 100 quiz grade.  This is an optional assignment.  Wednesday is also the turn in date for 4 stamps on Real World.  If your child has 4 stamps by Wednesday, they will receive a 100 quiz grade.  This assignment is also optional.  It is to reward students who are keeping up with the Real World assignments.  One more reminder, homework is 33% of your child's grade.  Most of the time it is NOT counted for accuracy.  The grading scale was designed specifically to help students not to hurt them.  Please remind your child how important homework is!  It is not only essential to reinforce what we learn in class, but it will also boost their overall French average if they do it!
In French 2, we also tried more French recipes!  We tried new cookies, creme brulee cupcakes, mocha tartes, and monte cristos!  Thank you students and parents!  Friday, we tried a new warm up activity which involved dancing!  Lots of fun while learning this week!  We are learning French food and how to talk about food in French this week.  Students have also been watching our French soap operas for our book.  It's super cheesy, but they love it!  This week French 2 has a vocabulary quiz today and on Thursday.  We will also visit the Tech Lab for Real World, and they have an opportunity to receive a 100 quiz grade for having 4 stamps at the half way mark.  Also, Wednesday is the last day to turn in magazine orders for a bonus 100 quiz grade.  (only have to sell 1)   This is an optional assignment.
In French 3, we are still working on our book Destination France.  We have learned about how useful cognates can be and reviewing French 1 and 2 grammar and vocab.  We are also learning new vocabulary that goes along with the book.  The elementary classes that we are mentoring are going great!  They are learning days of the week and months of the year this week.  Your children are teaching!  They are doing great work and I'm very proud of them!

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