Monday, March 10, 2014

le 10 mars

Mr. Bean parle le français

This Friday is the last day of this nine weeks.  Please remind your child to make up any work that he/she has missed.  This week French 1 is finishing up section 1 chapter 5.  We will begin working on section 2 working with more places we can go and weather expressions.  We will also learn the verb ALLER.  French 2 is also finishing with section 1 Chapter 10.  This week we will be working on train and plane vocab as well as reviewing how to form and use the past tense.  Both classes will test on these chapter next Friday, March 21st.  Real World for 4th quarter begins this week as well.  We will go to the tech lab this Wednesday.  French 3 is working on the imperfect tense and learning how to speak about childhood activities.  One of their projects this 9 weeks will be to prepare a "speech" about their childhood using both the passe compose and imparfait.

Hope you have wonderful week, please email me with any questions or concerns.

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