Sunday, February 23, 2014

le 24 fevrier, 2014

This week all classes are beginning new chapters.  French 1 is working with more activities vocabulary and a couple of new verbs.  French 2 is working with transportation and hotel vocabulary as well as a few new verbs.  French 3 will be working with a new verb tense and past time vocabulary. 
All classes have vocab quizzes tomorrow(Monday)
French 1 and 2 have Real World projects due Thursday with food being brought on FRIDAY ONLY.  All other activities are due Thursday.
French 3 has their reflexive presentations due on FRIDAY.
NOTE: The end of 3rd quarter has been moved to Friday, March 14th.

 Photo: C'est fantastique!  <3
 Just a little funny to start your week.  Hope it's a great one!

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