Saturday, November 9, 2013

French News

Bonjour French Parents and Students

Woo hoo!  This week was fantastic!  We stayed busy as usual, but also caught a small break since we had tech lab on Wednesday.
French 1 has been learning adjectives this week.  We have been working on note cards in class. We took 2 quizzes covering our adjective vocabulary, went to the tech lab Wednesday to work on Real World, and went again on Friday to create a class power point on our adjectives.  We are slap worn out with adjectives!  This coming week, we will review adjectives, the verb ETRE, adjective placement and 5 form adjectives!  We will have quizzes most likely on Wednesday and Friday. 
French 2 worked very hard on learning the past tense this week in class.  We went to the tech lab Wednesday for Real World, and we also took a couple of quizzes covering the clothing and clothing store vocab.  Friday we took our first quiz on past tense.  Next week, we will take our Chapter 7 TEST on Tuesday.  We will begin Chapter 8 and have a vocab quiz most likely on Friday. 
French 3 spent the week working on pronouns with the past tense.  We did not make it to the tech lab on Wednesday due to a special meeting for the juniors and seniors on that day.  This coming up week, we will continue in Chapter 4 learning about the vocab for places on a school campus and placement of pronouns with the past tense.  We will hopefully add negative expressions with the past tense and quiz on Friday.
Thursday, French 1,2, and 3 will go on our field trip to hear native French singer Eric Vincent at FPD, and then head to Cheddars for a Monte Cristo which is much like the Croque Monsieur in France.  We will dismiss after 1st hour at about 9:15.  The concert begins at 10am and will last about an hour.  We will head to Cheddars afterwards and return to school by 1:30/2:00 depending on how quickly lunch is served.  If you are driving, please meet us in the soccer parking lot at 9:15.  I will have your list of students and cell phone numbers for all chaperones available at that time. Please make sure that I have all information for your child on file.  It is absolutely required that I have these forms completed so that your child may go on the trip.

A few reminders:
We will have a half day Wednesday for conferences.
Thanksgiving Break is in 2 weeks!!!  We will get out November 22
Real World Test Grade is due December 5 for all classes
Exams will begin December 16th Mon-Thur. All half days.

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