Tuesday, October 15, 2013

French News October 15th

Bonjour French Parents
1.  Today I am sending home field trip forms for the trip on November 14th.  Please sign them and get them back by October 25th(next Friday)
2.  Tomorrow 9-11th will be taking the  PSAT during the morning classes.  Seniors will have their shadow days.
3.  French 1 and 2 have new REAL WORLD sheets for the 2nd 9 weeks.  Please be aware that there are several activities to choose from and plenty of time to do them.  We go to the computer lab 4 times before the assignment is due.  Students should be getting work done during this time.  FYI, food is not a requirement.  Your child can choose another activity if you do not have time or you do not want to bring food.  The assignment is due DECEMBER 5th.

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