Friday, September 28, 2012


Sweet Lauren!   Our teacher's aide...I saved her some treats!

The quiche was yummy!  Merci Aubrien!

Les filles aiment la quiche!
Français 2!
French vocab labels in other teacher's classrooms!
Not only did we label classrooms....we labelled people too!
Sarah Beth presenting her prezis!
Jordan is enjoying some French pink lemonade :)  Merci Emilee!
silly filles!

Suzannah brought honey cakes!  Miam miam!
Cheyenne brought yummy rice pudding....delish!  oui oui!
Kayla brought petits fours!  Merci beaucoup! 

Parents and Students!

Real World French was an absolute success!  Today we took a break from the ordinary day to day, and spent some time learning about the different aspects of French culture!  There's so much of it and so little time!  
I loved it, and I think the kids did too!  We took a survey today and most of the students said that what they loved most about Real World was the food.  I must confess that I agree!  We tried everything from petits fours to crême brulée.  
The students also liked being able to work at their own pace and choose the activities that they wanted to do.  They labelled classrooms, made prezis and power points on French flags, French gestures, and places in France.  Students also found Disney videos and commercials in French. They created dialogues, read French related books to little people and taught family members and friends our current vocab.
French 2 students made power points and posters covering French artists and Sénégalese culture.  They brought in Sénégalese recipes for us to try.  It was a great learning experience for all of us!  
Students also had suggestions for new topics next quarter!  So look out for our 2nd quarter Real World assignment sheet to come home soon!

Pfeiffer adore les petits fours!  Merci Alan! 

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