Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Important Reminders-Faites Attention!

Important Reminders!

French 1 and 2 Real World French
Due date: vendredi, le 28 septembre 
See the assignment under the documents to the right. The format is different from the handout in class but the information is the same.  Please make sure that you are keeping up with the assignments.  You must have 8 stamps by next Friday!!  Bonne chance!

French 1 took their first chapter test today and we will begin our 2nd chapter tomorrow.

French 2 has finished their review from French 1 and we are now in Chapter 8 studying La Maison and Les Corvées. 

Do not forget we have French Film Fridays from 1-1:30 in my room.  Bring your lunch and watch a French movie to earn extra credit points. 

I am available for extra help and/or extra credit points Wednesdays after school until 3:45 or by appointment only Mondays and Fridays.

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