Monday, April 21, 2014

Les Nouvelles d'avril 2014

Bonjour y'all!
A few reminders and updates:
French 1 is currently working in Chapter 6 with food and cafe vocabulary.  We are also learning tons of new verbs and conjugations.  Please remind your children to keep up with these verbs!  Most of the students have quizlet accounts with verbs and adjectives that they have created notecards for...does your child have quizlet on their phone? or device?  It's a very handy tool!  Also, students may go to the class blog and use the review slides for this chapter for quick study.  They will have a vocab quiz Wednesday and possibly and grammar quiz Friday.    The test for Chapter 6 is scheduled for Tuesday, May 6th.
French 2 is coming along great with the C'est Moi project.  This has been an experiment for me this year.  Instead of starting brand new books at the end of the year, I decided to try to incorporate all that they have learned in the red books into one giant project.  They have been using all their skills- listening, reading, writing and speaking.  Tomorrow we will have presentations, all in French, from each student.  I'm so excited to see how far each student has come.  We will finish the week with a video series that we started before Spring Break.  Next week, we will begin a new project.
French 3 is working in Chapter 6 with the past tense and imperfect....It's been a long road!  But, we are finally getting it.  This week, we will be working on the comparative.  Pfeiffer will be teaching the 6th grade Tuesday of this week and next week.  Jenna will follow up the next 2 weeks.  Seniors are almost done.....I can't believe it!  Someone pass the tissues!


If you have time, please take a moment to go the following websites and vote/enter.  We would be most grateful for your help.  FYI, for the Best of the Best, you don't have to do the entire survey, just scroll down the first page, click submit, and it will take you to the second page where the best private school is listed, type Tattnall, and then scroll down, submit, and you are finished!  Thank you for your help.

It’s that time of the year when we vote for "Best of the Best", sponsored by Macon Telegraph. A ballot appeared in Sunday's paper for all categories, with voting running from March 31-April 25. Please go to daily and vote for Tattnall as the best private school, listed under the category of "Organization".  

Help Tattnall win a wireless lab by voting now through May 1st in the “Win a Wireless Lab Sweepstakes”.  Please go to Win A Wireless Lab Sweepstakes and vote daily.

As always, thank you for sharing your child with us!  It's great to be a Tattnall Trojan!!!!


It’s that time of the year when we vote for "Best of the Best", sponsored by Macon Telegraph. A ballot appeared in Sunday's paper for all categories, with voting running from March 31-April 25. Please go to daily and vote for Tattnall as the best private school, listed under the category of "Organization".  

Help Tattnall win a wireless lab by voting now through May 1st in the “Win a Wireless Lab Sweepstakes”.  Please go to Win A Wireless Lab Sweepstakes and vote daily.

Monday, April 7, 2014


It is that time of the year when we vote for "Best of the Best", sponsored by Macon Telegraph. A ballot appeared in Sunday's paper for all categories, with voting running from March 31-April 25.  Please go to daily and vote for Tattnall as the best private school, listed under the category of "Organization".  


Thursday, March 27, 2014

le 24 mars, 2014


Bonjour!  I have finally returned to school after a really bad virus attacked the Farmer household.  I have never missed the TSA family so much!  This week students have worked in the Tech Lab on Real World projects as well as practiced their writing skills using the vocabulary from the chapters we just finished up.  French 1 began Chapter 6 Monday which covers food and restaurant vocabulary.  French 2 worked on an essay Monday.  Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in the Tech Lab.  French 3 worked on new vocab in Chapter 6 as well an essay using the passe compose and imparfait.  The rest of the week in French 1 and 2, we will be working through a video series which will require using listening and writing skills.  When we return from Spring Break, French 1 will continue with Chapter 6.  French 2 will be working with centers which will vary day to day.  French 3 will finish Chapter 6.  The tests taken in French 1 and 2 last Friday will be graded and added to edline as soon as possible.  I haven't forgotten them.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL SPRING BREAK!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

TSA's Foundation and Future Celebration March 21st

All of our TSA family, past and present, are invited as we honor our founders and Dr. Riley casts the vision for our future. This evening will highlight many milestones such as the 40th anniversary of our first graduating class (1974), unveiling of new Athletic Hall of Fame, tribute to Mrs. Lowery (the current graduating class is the last class she taught before retiring), and since we are combining this night with our spring Trojan Legion meeting we will also honor our current teachers years of service. As a bonus, we will hear from our special musical guest and '01 alum, Molly Stevens. We are excited that she has graciously agreed to perform at the event!

The evening should be a great time to reminisce with old and new friends as we honor our founders and thank God for our many blessings while we look towards our bright future!  The Celebration will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Athletic Complex and heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served. Tattnall is such a special place, not because of buildings or programs, but because of the many special people that make up the Tattnall story, including YOU! Can't wait to celebrate this special place that we all call "home!" For more information or to RSVP, visit or click here.

Inline image 2

Monday, March 10, 2014

le 10 mars

Mr. Bean parle le français

This Friday is the last day of this nine weeks.  Please remind your child to make up any work that he/she has missed.  This week French 1 is finishing up section 1 chapter 5.  We will begin working on section 2 working with more places we can go and weather expressions.  We will also learn the verb ALLER.  French 2 is also finishing with section 1 Chapter 10.  This week we will be working on train and plane vocab as well as reviewing how to form and use the past tense.  Both classes will test on these chapter next Friday, March 21st.  Real World for 4th quarter begins this week as well.  We will go to the tech lab this Wednesday.  French 3 is working on the imperfect tense and learning how to speak about childhood activities.  One of their projects this 9 weeks will be to prepare a "speech" about their childhood using both the passe compose and imparfait.

Hope you have wonderful week, please email me with any questions or concerns.