Thursday, March 27, 2014

le 24 mars, 2014


Bonjour!  I have finally returned to school after a really bad virus attacked the Farmer household.  I have never missed the TSA family so much!  This week students have worked in the Tech Lab on Real World projects as well as practiced their writing skills using the vocabulary from the chapters we just finished up.  French 1 began Chapter 6 Monday which covers food and restaurant vocabulary.  French 2 worked on an essay Monday.  Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in the Tech Lab.  French 3 worked on new vocab in Chapter 6 as well an essay using the passe compose and imparfait.  The rest of the week in French 1 and 2, we will be working through a video series which will require using listening and writing skills.  When we return from Spring Break, French 1 will continue with Chapter 6.  French 2 will be working with centers which will vary day to day.  French 3 will finish Chapter 6.  The tests taken in French 1 and 2 last Friday will be graded and added to edline as soon as possible.  I haven't forgotten them.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL SPRING BREAK!!!

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