Saturday, February 1, 2014

le premier fevrier, 2014

Bonjour awesome French parents!
This week was a bit on the wild side.  It snowed!!!!  I stayed indoors, but my people were outside for 2 days soaking up the freezing cold and sliding down hills on a baby mattress :)  I guess you use what you've got in the south.......Bless our hearts.  
French 1 and 2 prepared for tests on Monday, and ended up taking the test in two parts on Tuesday and Friday.  Sophomores absent on Friday will need to schedule a make-up time this week to finish their tests. 
French 1 just finished working on time, numbers, and lots of new verbs.  We are beginning a new section this week working on new school related vocabulary, numbers, and more verbs!!!  Chapter 4 is super full of verbs.  It is extremely important that students stay on top of these verbs in order to stay caught up.
French 2 is also beginning a new section on places in town vocabulary and reviewing a bunch of old verbs. 
French 3 is working on the reflexive this week in the present, past and with imperatives and infinitives.  Projects are coming up soon!  Make sure that students have taken pictures for the Reflexive Video. 
All classes will celebrate National Crepe and National Nutella Day on Wednesday.  French Club will be providing the crepes, the nutella, and the whip cream.  I've asked students to supply the toppings such as chopped fruit, chocolate chips,or anything they think they'd like.  They may also bring drinks if they prefer something other than water.  This activity is separate from Real World.  Food for Real World is due at the end of the month on February 28th.
Real World activities are due on the 27th of February.  We will go to the tech lab 2 more times this month in order to prepare.  Please make sure that your children are on top of this project.  It counts as a TEST grade.
Parent Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 5th.  If you are interested in having a conference, please email me, and we will set up a time.
As always, please feel free to email me or call me with any questions or concerns.  I am reminded daily how blessed I am to be a part of this wonderful school!  Your children are a joy to teach.  Thank you for sharing them with us.
Mme Farmer

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