Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week of October 28th

Busy busy busy describes our classes as well as this time of year!  Please remind your children that if they miss class that they must come to me and ask for their make up work.  It sounds strange to say because the quarter has just begun, but it will be over before you know it!  We will have Thanksgiving Break in a few weeks, Kids Yule Love and other Christmas festivities beginning, and Midterms!!!  Students must stay caught up on their work or they will easily become overwhelmed in December.  Don't forget our field trip is coming up November 14th.  I have received most of the forms and money, but I will need to finish collecting all the paperwork by tomorrow.  So, please send it in, if I have not received your information/money.  Also, I may need two more drivers for our trip.  If you would be interested, please let me know and I'll send you the information.  It's going to be a fun trip! 

This week in all our classes, students will have the opportunity to earn stamps for our Marie Antoinette Birthday Party on Friday.  Make sure that you ask your child about this Real World project.  To make it interesting, we will have a prize for the best cake at the party!

French 1 will have a test Thursday on Chapter 2.  We will be finishing up the chapter and reviewing this week.
French 2 will have a quiz Tuesday covering demonstrative adjectives and interrogative adjectives.
French 3 will also have a test Thursday covering Chapter 3 vocabulary, object pronouns, y and en, and review of grammar rules from chapters past. It's a loaded test!  But, we will be ready!

I think that about sums up our week in French! 

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