Friday, December 2, 2011

An Opportunity to Give to Others and Make a Difference!

Dear French Student Parents

Tattnall is hosting a drive for hygiene products for the upcoming homeless Christmas party.  The goal is approximately 300 kits by December 9th.  Collection boxes will be located in the lower school office and outside the upper school office.  The following items are needed:

·         Shampoo – full size, economy or travel size
·         Soap
·         Deodorant
·         Toothpaste and tooth brushes
·         Hand Sanitizer
·         Nail Clippers
·         Comb/Hairbrush
·         Washcloths
·         Sleeping bags – new or gently used
·         Blankets

French Students will receive up to 5 additional points on their midterm exam for bringing in items.  Each item brought will be equal to one point.  Items must be brought to Mrs. Farmer's Classroom to receive credit.

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