Saturday, October 8, 2011

Exploratory Part 2 Faire la Fete!

Crepes, eclairs, quiche, and croissants = crazy 8th graders!

 Strawberry, whip cream and chocolate on a crepe
 quiche and croissant
 All of  the above and a tiny eclair...yummy!

 oui oui la classe aime les crepes!
 Jarrett est tres serieux
 Jon Clay est marrant!
 Cory a faim!
 Brianna and Jordan ont faim aussi!
 Jordan is folding her crepe properly :)
 Oh no!
 Kate and Madison fixing crepes
 Is Calvin texting in class?  DETENTION!
 I think they all really enjoyed our fete
Calvin says the quiche is delicious!  His mom made it!

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