Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bonjour et Bienvenue!

Bonjour mes nouveaux eleves!!!(et vieux eleves)
I am so excited to start a new year!! I love teaching and I always look forward to beginning a new school year. This year will mark my 14th year teaching French(my 13th year at Tattnall). I have two children both attending Tattnall this year. Matthew is in the 2nd grade and Sara Rhett is in preschool. My hope is that all my students will come to love French as much as I do! Not only will we learn how to speak the language, but we will also learn about what's in France. I will focus mainly on Paris, but we will touch on other cities in France as well as other French speaking countries.
I cannot wait to learn French with you this year, and I look forward to getting know each of you better. I know that we are going to have a wonderful 2010-2011 year!

Go Trojans!!!
Mme Farmer